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Eftelings utmärkelser |
Most Beautiful Park |
Busch Gardens Willamsburg
Europa Park
Williamsburg, Va.
Kaatsheuvel, Netherlands
Rust, Germany |
Best Landscaping |
Busch Gardens Willamsburg
Bonfante Gardens
Alton Towers
Williamsburg, Va.
Kaatsheuvel, Netherlands
Gilroy, Calif.
Staffordshire, England |
Och en hedrande 3:e plats i Best Dark Ride 2003 med Droom
Vulcht (Dröm Flyg, Dream Flight) |

You say to yourself "I am not a coward!" You straighten your
shoulders and take a deep breath. "Yes," you think. But as you walk
up to the entrance, your stomach starts to turn over. You can still
turn back, if you want to……Whooooooooooooooh!!! Mama Mia! The Python
is a super-fast roller coaster, 750 metres long. For 1 minute and 45
seconds, you race along at the breathtaking speed of 85 kilometres
per hour. You'll be calling for your mother, all right! The 2 loops
and 2 corkscrews will make sure of that! The highest point of the
Python is 29 metres. But you won't see that. Because your eyes will
be shut - want to bet? |

For a moment, you will imagine yourself back in the fifties, on the
famous American Coney Island. But the dream won't last long -
because this is fast!
The Pegasus roller coaster is 492 metres long, and has 4 bends, 9
climbs and 8 drops. The ride takes 1 minute and 46 seconds, at a
speed of 55 km per hour.
The name Pegasus comes from Greek mythology. Pegasus is a flying
horse, which fights sea monsters and dragons in a number of stories.

It will give you the shivers and make your flesh crawl. THE HAUNTED
CASTLE. Even as you enter, you can feel the sinister atmosphere. It
is dark. Cold. You feel uncomfortable. Afraid. What is that? And
that looks like…Be brave! In the hall, you look upwards. You see
strange, frightening images. You walk on, feeling your way… What is
that? Aaah! Your hair stands on end. You pretend not to see those
skulls. Then the macabre dance begins.
Esmeralda…….wandering eternally through the night Nobody sees her
beauty or takes pity on her plight The sarcophagus opens and reveals
the noble bones Cursed for all time is this pile of gruesome stones

You boat glides gently on…you think.
This is all right… you think. Is this all…you think.
That's what you thought! But here come the first rapids. Whaaah!
You spin along the river. Look out! There's another boat.
Congratulations, that was your first soaking. Look at the other
passengers in your boat. Are you the only one who's wet? No way.
Because here comes the first waterfall. Now the other passengers are
dripping, too. You laugh furtively. But just wait, the Piraña will
get you, too. How will you leave the spinning boat at the end of the
Wet or soaking wet? |

1001 nights……your boat rocks gently. The wizard shows the way. Look
out! A rock. Just in time, luckily. A new world opens out before
you……with strange music. Oriental. A belly dancer sways her hips. A
crocodile! Those teeth…escaped. Tigers. An enormous giant. No! Do we
have to go under that? Whew…just as well.
Now it's getting dark. Sinister. Beggars. Dubious figures. The
journey slowly comes to an end. Fata Morgana. Definitely not a
mirage. |

Efteling welcomes you…in the House of the Five Senses! The house is
made from trees specially grown for Efteling. It is enormous - the
highest section of the house is 43 metres tall.
The 4,500 m2 thatched roof has an ingenious fire-prevention system.
The tale of the House of the Five Senses is about five king's sons,
each with one well-developed sense. When their father dies, they
argue about who should succeed him.
With the help of Pardoes, the little magician, they find out that
all five of them should reign. The grateful subjects present them
with a house: the House of the Five Senses. |

Dream on, dream on in the Dream Flight, high up among the stars in
your heavenly carriage. Dream your dream of pure gold, past the
elves in the eternal woods… up through the Troll marshes, gliding as
if you are on the rainbow. Enjoy the splendour of castles, with
stars twinkling in the night. Wave to the elves' garden, the realm
of castles, the wood of wonders. Welcome the glorious memories that
will remain forever. |

Villa Volta……… A
house full of secrets and mysteries. The house is cursed, he who
lives there doomed. Hugo of the Loonsche Duynen. Who recklessly laid
his thieving hands on holy treasures. Who scorned divine wrath and
called the curse down on himself. This house, this accursed house…
it has turned into a hell. Nowhere will he find rest, in his own
house or anywhere in the world, now that he has desecrated God's
House. Tied to this place, where up is down and down is up… A man
under a curse, Hugo the Goat Rider. |

After many long
and instructive journeys, Sinbad the Sailor reaches a deserted
Flight through the darkness……
An ominous wind starts blowing. It is not a cloud! It is a gigantic
bird, with enormous wings, which completely cover the sun. The bird
has a voracious beak… It is Vogel Rok! Sinbad shivers, hidden in the
bird's nest. He unwraps his turban, ties it round himself carefully
and ties the other end to the bird's foot. The powerful Rok bird
spreads its wings. With a shaking Sinbad clamped to its foot, it
flies off above the rainbow, far over the horizon, in a hair-raising
flight… Vogel Rok has landed in Efteling. Do you dare ride between
its claws? Take care, Vogel Rok is waiting for you. And his mouth is
watering…. |

Have you ever flown in a Thai Temple? Even if you are scared of
heights, you shouldn't miss the Pagoda. You walk in... and it starts
moving upwards gradually, very gradually. WOW! What a view! It turns
and turns and turns, giving you a panorama of Efteling from every
direction. And then you land gently on the ground again. It was a
wonderful flight. "Thank you for flying Efteling." The Pagoda brings
you to a height of 45 metres by means of a steel arm. This weighs
225 tonnes and is driven hydraulically. To lift the entire unit, a
counterweight of 340 tonnes is needed. This weight pushes the temple
upwards, while it sinks into a hole 10 metres deep itself |
Park karta ifrån 1986

Park karta ifrån 2002
